
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church!

Trinity is a congregation devoted to hearing God’s Word and receiving His gifts in the Sacraments.

Worship at Trinity follows the liturgical order found in Lutheran Service Book (the hymnal of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod). This liturgy is grounded in the Word of God and offers the best order for receiving our Lord’s gifts to us.

We believe that growing in our faith takes place through the forgiveness given to sinners in God’s Word and in His Sacraments, so that attending the Divine Service, hearing the Gospel and eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ Jesus is most important, the true life of the Christian.

We also believe that Christian education and Bible study is a further means to that growth. We offer Bible classes each week for various age groups to grow stronger in faith that clings to Jesus.

On Sunday morning Adult Bible class and Sunday School are offered for all ages, and on

Wednesday afternoon we offer youth catechism instruction (5th-7th grade).

Trinity is a family of Christians. Please join us to receive the Lord’s blessings and share the fellowship of being God’s people in Blue Hill, Nebraska.

Pastor Kuddes may be reached by calling

Church Office (402) 756-2102

Parsonage (402) 756-2901

Pastor's Cell (816) 731-0029

or e-mail trinitybluehill@gmail.com